Sopot- a SAUNA!
EB: Can’t find my notes right now (ro maybe I even posted them somewhere else?…), so pictures will have to suffice. The traipsing Trio took a train north from Gdansk
EB: Can’t find my notes right now (ro maybe I even posted them somewhere else?…), so pictures will have to suffice. The traipsing Trio took a train north from Gdansk
(photos by Mr. K, minmal text by EB) Instead of ripping out pavement with jackhammers, streets and sidewalks are repaired by removing cobbles and stones, and then laying them back
text and pictures by Mr. K. (more to come soon) All three of us got on a 12-hour traIn ride, headed north, to Gdańsk Poland, site of the first
notes and (most) pictures by Mr. K. We originally spent a few days in Prague when we first arrived in Europe before Maggie was in town. From Budapest we returned
text and photos by Mr. K Carpe Diem At Christmastime Krakowians (also Czech people) favor a meal of Carp. The fish are sold live and folks bring them home on
(Photos by D. Kilgore, text by both of us.) 12/17/19 AM: we part with Maggie and are off to Krakow on the train. (EB:On this train ride and quite a
(Pictures by Sr. Kilgore, text by both of us.) (EB: On Friday the 13th we took a bus from Belgrade to Budapest, which was where we crossed back into the
(Pictures by Sr. Kilgore, text by Kilgore and Belew.) Off to Belgrade, Serbia. Transitions are tricky. Arriving in Belgrade we faced such high class problems as a cabbie who charged
On the train to Belgrad I made a cheat sheet for Cyrillic. Totally humbling, since I can barely copy the characters of the alphabet with enough detail (little tails and
This post by Sr. Kilgore Ljubljana is a design center with an institute and museum we visited. The bus stop outside was a prototype of the bus shelter design first